#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = A Demonstration of School Alumni Living Memories ### Title tour.name = Boston Grammar School Memories ## Skin ### Tooltip IconButton_353C14EA_390E_8334_41A1_716C9F31F30D.toolTip = Click to enter VR Mode ## Media ### Title panorama_281BCC8D_3911_830C_4196_240170D1B670.label = BGS Assembly Hall video_40062640_4EF9_C334_41CF_C5C8F5B2CB5C.label = DJW Picture Portrait Grey video_5CBDDBF0_4E99_AF1B_41D0_5EC811D65050.label = DJW Moscow Memory Portrait video_5FC998E1_4EB8_E93C_41D1_E18BA6EA1068.label = Russia First Channel News Broadcast Recording ## Hotspot ### Tooltip overlay_416A1FC2_4EBF_E77C_41C7_B394A02C48D4.toolTip = Chris Blakey goes back to Moscow - rollover this hotspot to play/pause the video overlay_4305524F_4EF9_4330_41BD_A2FD0672493E.toolTip = Clcik to Play Video Story